Friday, December 5, 2008


This surgery for Scott has been pretty awful. His family was told it would take 2 to 2 1/2 hours to perform and it was twice that long. Scott's mouth and jaw is completely wired closed. He can barely speak and is in quite a bit of pain. Scott is very angry. I don't think he was well informed by his doctors as to what was really being done. At least not all the fine details, anyways. His mouth will stay like this for 2 weeks, then they will unwire his mouth and just band it, which will give him more mobility and he will be able to speak better. Now, he has to eat by syringe. Like I said before, milkshakes and liquid diet. Janell has told me that he has lost 11 pounds since the accident, and will lose much more I'm sure. They are going to add Ensure and nutritional powders ect. to his drinks to help him retain as much as he can. He isn't tolerating the pain as well as he did after the first surgery. The "anesthesia anger" was still present as well as just anger for the situation. Sorry you're having such a difficult time Scott.
Janell and Chelsea had originally planned to return home tomorrow, but I don't think that is happening. I don't think they are sure what they are doing. Chelsea is scheduled to take an international trip on Wednesday...
Scott is at his Dad's house in Spanish Fork. As soon as I can get an address for him there, I will get permission to pass that along to all of you, by other means. Not on the blog!
Please keep Scott and hif family in your prayers. His little brothers are all here in Rifle and the only one to see Scott has been Taylor. They all love their' big brother very much and I know they are really missing their Mom. Janell is having a hard time too, being away from the rest of her kiddos this long. God-willing she can come home soon, too.
I will add another post tomorrow when I talk to Janell and Chelsea again.


Anonymous said...

Scott !!

You don't know me, but I know alot about you :)
(I'm not a stalker)

You can be proud to have a sister like Chelsea.
And your mom Janell.... NO COMMENT !!! Best mom ever :)

Keep doing what the doctors say..and you will be fine.
I hope you will have a good christmas time at least!!

Sorry for my bad english :(

Greets from Berlin !

Destiny said...

Scottie Man - I am so sorry to hear they completely wired your mouth shut. Hang in there will get through this.

See if your Mom can get you a root beer float...they are the best after surgery.

Hugs/Kisses -