Well...Scott is hanging in there. Thank you's go out to everyone who is keeping Scott in their prayers. The family is so appreciative and gracious for all the love being sent Scott's way.
Scott's facial surgery might not happen in the morning. The anesthesiologist is going to perform some tests this evening (and overnight, I believe) to reassure them that Scott can hold up throughout the long procedure that he needs. His lungs are working well, but his heart is still having a hard time keeping up and that is a major concern. His family will hopefully have good news in the late evening/early morning about the possibility of surgery.
Otherwise, there has really been no new information. His Rifle family members had a safe journey to Salt Lake to be with him, as well as his stepmom and brothers from Spanish Fork Utah. I've been told he has a regular pep squad in the waiting room! I'm sure Scott appreciates each and every one of them. The only visitor not to make it so far, and won't be making the trek is Buster the Beagle. If anyone has a connection for a stuffed beagle dog, let me know!
Attached is a picture of the truck Scott was riding in. Scott was a passenger in the back, passenger side of the truck. Disturbing is one of many words that comes to mind. As far as I know, neither of Scott's friends were injured in the accident. I'm sorry it had to be Scott, but grateful that all 3 boys weren't hurt. Everyone please be careful...you just never realize how precious your life is until something like this happens.
I will update this again tonight if I get any new information from Janell. Otherwise, check back in the morning. I will post as soon as I hear.
Keep those prayers going....Thanks, Debbie
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